

  • 日本語
  • 英語
  • 日本語+英語


人工的な素材 → artificial material
人工の建材 → an artificial building material

人工衛星 → artificial satellite
初めての人工衛星 → the first artificial satellite

結果として → as a consequence
結果として彼は失敗した。 → He failed as a consequence.

当然のことながら → as a matter of course
当然のこととみなす → regard as a matter of course

実際のところ → as a matter of fact
実際のところ、彼はそれを認めた。 → As a matter of fact, he admitted it.

結果として → as a result
結果として、彼女はそれを気に入った。 → As a result, she liked it.

~の結果で → as a result of ~
検討の結果 → as a result of discussion

通例 → as a rule
決まって午後6時に来る → come at 18:00 as a rule

~のしるしとして → as a token of ~
感謝のしるしとして → as a token of appreciation

全体として → as a whole
全体として成功だった。 → It succeeded as a whole.

~と比較すると → as compared to ~
テニスボールと比較すると → as compared to tennis balls

~と比較すると → as compared with ~
他の言語と比較すると → as compared with other languages

早くも → as early as
早ければ今月に仕事をはじめる → start a job as early as this month

私の知る限りでは → as far as I know
私が知る限りではそうではない。 → Not as far as I know.

見渡す限り → as far as the eye can see
見渡す限りの雪 → snow as far as the eye can see

~の及ぶ限り → as far as ~
彼が見た限りでは → as far as he could see

~に関する限り → as far as ~ go
現状に関する限り → as far as it goes

~に関する限り → as far as ~ is concerned
お金に関する限り → as far as money is concerned

~が到達するかぎり → as far as ~ reaches
私の目が届く限り → as far as my eyes can reach

相変わらず決して~ではなく → as far away as ever from ~
決して真実ではなく → as far away as ever from the truth