- 次のとおりで → as follows
宿題は次のとおり。 → The homework assignments are as follows.
- ~に関しては → as for ~
その試合に関しては → as for the game
- ~も同然 → as good as ~
新品同様だ → be as good as new
- あたかも~のように → as if ~
彼はあたかも怒っているかのように話す。 → He talks as if he's angry.
- そのままで → as is
車を現状のままで買う → buy a car as is
- ~の場合にはよくあることだが → as is often the case with ~
あなたの場合にはよくあることだが → as is often the case with you
- これは~にはよくあることだ → as is the case for ~
新しいサービスにはよくあることだが → as is the case for a new service,
- ~にはよくあることだが → as is usual with ~
彼にはよくあることだが → as is usual with him
- たまたま → as it happens
たまたま彼女はいません。 → As it happens, she is away.
- 現状で → as it stands
現状では彼の予定は空いています。 → His appointment is open as it stands.
- 言わば → as it were
いわば秘密で → as it were in secret
- ~によって判断されたように → as judged by ~
服で判断されれば裕福な → wealthy, as judged by his clothes
- たった~ → as little as ~
たった1週間で → in as little as one week
- ~である限りは → as long as ~
あなたが幸せである限りは → as long as you are happy
- ~と同じ数の → as many as ~
あなたが好きな数の → as many as you like
- ~と同じ数だけの → as many ~
ページ数と同じく5つの間違い → five mistakes in as many pages
- ~と同じ程度の → as much as ~
利用可能な分だけ → as much as available
- かつてなかったほどに → as never before
かつてなかったほどに増加する → increase as never before
- ~時点で → as of ~
昨日時点で → as of yesterday
- しばしば → as often as not
よく雨が降る → as often as not, it rains