

  • 日本語
  • 英語
  • 日本語+英語


~とは対照的に → as opposed to ~
以前の規則とは対照的に → as opposed to the previous regulations

~と対象的に → as opposite to ~
彼の意見とは対象的に → as opposite to his views

~に関しては → as regards ~
文法に関しては → as regards the grammar

予定通りに → as scheduled
予定通りに到着する → arrive as scheduled

できるだけ早く → as soon as possible
できるだけ早く返事する → reply as soon as possible

~するやいなや → as soon as ~
授業が終わったらすぐに → as soon as class is over

そのようなものとして → as such
そのようなものとして受け入れる → accept as such

よく言うように → as they say
よく言うように日本人はシャイだ。 → As they say, Japanese are shy.

まるで~であるかのように → as though ~
あたかも本当であったかのように → as though it were real

~に関しては → as to ~
財源に関しては → as to financial resources

いつもの通りに → as usual
いつもの通りにふるまう → behave as usual

私たちの見る限りでは → as we see it
私達の見る限りでは、すべてがうまくいっている。 → As we see it, everything is going well.

その上 → as well
その上彼はスペイン語も話せる。 → He can speak Spanish as well.

~の場合と同様に → as with ~
他のコンピューターと同様に → as with many other computers

今までのところは → as yet
彼は未だ結果を聞いていない。 → He has not as yet heard the result.

ご存じの通り → as you know
ご存じの通り、時間がかかる。 → As you know, it takes a long time.

依然として~ → as ~ as ever
相変わらず美しい → as beautiful as ever

できるだけ~する → as ~ as one can
できるだけ待つ → wait as long as I can

できるだけ~のように → as ~ as possible
できるだけ近くに → as close as possible

~の言葉を借りれば → as ~ put it
彼女の言葉を借りれば、それは可能だ。 → As she puts it, it is possible.